Monday, July 5, 2010

no title

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

Author Unknown

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hi Everyone! It has been such a long time. You all have just got to excuse me, I have been sooo busy with school and all. I just finished about a week and a half ago and now I'm trying to get an externship. The waiting is just about killing me. I really don't know what all is going on. I feel like I should be studying for the big test... the one where I hopefully get my licence. But I got about almost a month before I take it. School was kind of a trip, I did so much studying it was not even funny. It's like one of those fields where you will be studying for the rest of your life, which really doesn't bother me much. In fact I really enjoyed it a little too much. For some reason I always feel as though I always have to keep busy, my hands as well as my mind. I always have to be thinking and hopefully always about the right things.

Not to switch subjects on all of you but guess what happened to me?... I recently got a treadmill and I was constantly exercising on it and I'd say about a week ago from this past Saturday I was on it for about 30 to 35 minutes and I couldn't catch my breath. I thought to myself that it was probably a passing thing so I stayed on it for another 15 minutes so I thought I better get off of this thing! Well to make a long story short I couldn't catch my breath for almost a week! No worries though, I have a better idea on how to use the thing. I just never realized about how powerful those things are. I just really want to be in better shape and when I set my mind on something I really go for it. I guesse it's just my personality.

No but life has been good, I have been reading my Bible and not taking anything or anyone for granted. I have been working part time and staying on top of everything. Everything is pretty awesome!

Well you all take care