For some reason I just started thinking about when I was younger. You see I was praying and I thought about wisdom, understanding and knowledge. Earlier tonight we were reading from the book of Proverbs and it said 'get wisdom', get understanding and I just thought to myself when I was younger I had no type of understanding. For example when I was around nine or ten years old I figured I knew a lot about life and so I would read those teen magazines and it would have articles about questions and answers--like ask Jill and etc. well I would read these questions and the questions would be about boyfriends and school and I would think to myself "boy these are some real silly kids!" You see it didn't accrue to me that soon I would be right in their shoes in say another 5 or 6 years. Back then I tended to know about the basic necessary life stuff, like how to get good grades in school. It never accrued to me that these teens were going through puberty, chemical changes, social adjustments and identity crises. I just didn't understand until I went through it myself. I think God and Jesus really heard my comments and what I said to myself when I read those articles. As I look back at how I used to be I really thank the Lord that He got involved in my life. I know I have a long way to go, just because of my thinking and my actions but I pray that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit stay involved in our lives.
God bless
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