Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hi all. 

Well here i am again, months or years later and you know what? Nothing much changed with life. I mean everything is always going on in the world. And you know what? I am happy about our recent election for  the Executive office. Ha, i think the world gave a sigh of relief. Hey I am just sayin. I mean there is so much going on in the world we needed leadership that is somewhat rough around the edges and all of that. What i mean to say is that  we needed someone in the oval office that wasn't scared  to make a tough decision. We needed someone that is fierce and  all of that. I think we need to grow our military forces a little more. We needed a leader that is more to the point. And forget the honeymoon period let's get down to business you know what i mean? I think a lot of people of faith voted last election. And our whole nation needs prayer and all of that you know. Well thanks for listening to my thoughts about all of the mess we are in. With North Korea acting the way they are and countries not knowing what to do with them, hnn I say cut them off and shoot down all of their missiles. Well this is just all of my thoughts. Write me and tell me what you think.

Thanks g